Origins is fueled by your independent research and creative expression. We welcome all to share their love for science.
Publishing with Origins is easy!
Review the following steps to make sure your research can be edited, reviewed, and published.
Once you've written your research, be sure to check your work! The content should be in a Google Doc and formatted using Headers to break up sections. Sources should be listed and linked in your References section as well as within the article where appropriate. Make note of where your supporting media should go, plus include links to YouTube videos in between paragraphs so the narrative flows.
Now that your research is in Google Docs, formatted, (and hopefully you proofread it) it's time to send it in! Use our simple submission form to send us your article and tell us what Theme you think it would fit best in. If none of the current Themes feel right, use the Other option to propose a new one.
Tell the world about who you are! At the end of each article, every author has a featured mini bio to showcase who they are and any social networks they'd like to connect with.
Every contributor has the opportunity to build a full profile page! This page is listed under Team and can be updated at any time. Whether you choose to have a full profile or not, be sure to submit your mini bio information so we can properly credit your research!